Brochure (EN)

Telephone Directory System

A WEB based Telephone Directory system, which can be used over the Internet or an Intranet set up. All features can be accessed through an Internet Browser eliminating the need for any installations on user workstations. The system maintains information about countries, companies, departments/branches, employees, telephone lines and employee status (presence, absence, reason, etc.).

Administration Module

The information can be maintained through the administration module or can be imported through an interface from other systems. Each telephone line can belong to a branch/department or to an employee. It is identified by the following information:

In addition to telephone line details for each employee, the system maintains also:

Absences and signature details can be imported through an interface or can be accessed directly from another system of the organization.

Queries Module

Employees or Branches can be searched through many criteria including: Country, Company, Branch, First Name, Surname, Branch/Department, etc.

Screen Captures


Technical Information
Server Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003/2008
Client Operating System Microsoft Windows XP/7
Database Oracle 8.1.7/9i